Last Updated on September 24, 2021 by Marco C.
If you don’t know how to give a yorkie a puppy cut, I will provide you here with the answer. Every fluffy dog needs grooming so as do Yorkies because of their long and silky hair. Although the long silky hair looks adorable, it is not easy to maintain and needs additional care. Many Yorkie parents tend to give their pets different hair cuts and puppy cut is one of the most popular. In this article, I will teach you how to puppy cut yorkies by yourself and give you some information about the required tools.
What Is A Yorkie Puppy Cut?
The puppy cut is one of several yorkie haircutting that gives your puppy an adorable and cute look. The groomers do it by cutting the long hair to be around 1 to 1.5 inches more or less. They cut the hair in an uneven way all over the body leaving the hair of the face to be a little longer to maintain the fluffy look of the Yorkie.
It is a single-length haircut that would give your Yorkie a youthful look in addition to many benefits. Puppy cut yorkies will make their baths easy and make them more active as well.
How To Give A Yorkie A Puppy Cut?
Here I will take you to step by step to learn how to trim a yorkie’s face and give it a puppy cut. However, you must learn first about the tools you would use.
What Are The Tools Required For A Puppy Cut?
Comb and Brush
You need to brush your Yorkie’s hair with a comb that has wide and narrow spacing to remove the tangles. Additionally, use a brush to remove trapped dirt and loose hair. We recommend using a stainless steel comb and HERTZKO brush because they fit Youkie’s long hair.
Use professional scissors with straight shears in order not to make the Yorkie grooming painful. Scissors are important for a clean finish. We recommend using Andis scissors for professional grooming.
Electric clippers are the most important tool because it saves time and makes grooming session more easily. Although clippers of humans and animals look the same, they are different. Do not try to use your clipper when grooming your Yorkie. Humans’ clippers have teeth with narrow spaces in between that fit humans’ hair but do not fit animals’ hair or coat.
Steps On How To Give A Yorkie A Puppy Cut
1. Prepare your Yorkie for a haircut
Make sure your Yorkie is not afraid of the sound of clippers and the process of cutting especially if you do the cut by yourself. Give it some treats, and try to use a leash and collar to avoid escaping. Then place it on a non-slip surface that makes you comfortable during the cutting then start combing to remove tangles.
2. Trimming The Body
Start by trimming the body in the direction the hair grows naturally with a 4F blade. Start the process from down the neck toward the tail. If you want the hair to be longer, use a lower-numbered blade.
Learn more about: How Much Do Yorkie Dogs Cost?
3. Trimming The Neck
Make sure your Yorkie is still by holding the hair of the chin firmly. Then start trimming all around the neck with the same 4F blade or if you like the neck hair to be shorter, use a 5 or 5F blade.
4. Trimming Belly and Bottom Area
I recommend using a 7 or 7F blade so the hair will be shorter. Short belly and bottom hair are preferred because this reduces the chances of having too much debris. The less debris, the easier grooming, and cleaning will be.
During this step, you need to secure your Yorkie well. You can do this by lifting its front paws with your forearm while holding its back against your body.
5. Trimming The Legs, Tail, and Feet
Continue your work using a 4 blade, or a 7 blade, most professional groomers cut the hair of these areas to be short. Moreover, some of them use shears or thinning shears in this step. You choose what is best for you.
6. Trimming The Face
Now, it is time to give your clippers some rest and use scissors and a comb. Trim the hair all around its eyes to avoid having eye infections. Then go on for the hair around the ears and the rest of the head.
Why Give A Yorkie A Puppy Cut?
The Yorkie puppy cut is not just a good-looking haircut that makes your Yorkie youthful. However, it has additional benefits to both you and your pet.
1. Less Maintenance Effort
The shorter the Yorkie hair, the less maintenance it needs. There will be fewer hair tangles and brushing your Yorkie will be an easy process. Furthermore, you will use less shampoo while bathing it that will save some costs.
A puppy cut will save your money from spending on a lot of haircuts. A puppy cut is a beautiful haircut that stays for around eight to 10 weeks. It has another benefit -for you as an owner- that your Yorkie will shed less because of the small hair.
2. A Healthy Yorkie
Cutting your Yorkies’ hair shorter will decrease the chances of having debris on the hair and coat. This will reduce skin allergies and infections. The long hair around the eyes will make the Yorkie prone to eye infections so trimming around the eyes is a must.
Additionally, a puppy cut would decrease fleas and ticks infections. Fleas, lice, and ticks consider the puppy’s coat as their home where they live and complete their life cycle. Trimming the hair of the body will make figuring out these insects easier and applying the treatment would be more beneficial.
3. A Quick Haircut
It is easy to perform a puppy cut because you trim the hair about the same length. It takes no time and does not need special considerations.
4. It Is A Summer Haircut
During the summer season and hot weather, your puppy needs cooler skin. This can be reached through having a puppy cut. The short hair will allow the air to cool the skin and protect it against UV damage from the sun as well.
The Yorkie puppy cut is a short haircut that is good-looking and has benefits as well. Try to use the guide above to learn how to give a yorkie a puppy cut. For additional questions, please leave your comments below.